Dorothy Parker Gin

Travel Distilled reviews Dorothy Parker Gin, made in Brooklyn and named after the legendary New York writer and wit, Dorothy Parker.

Dorothy Parker American Gin bottle

‘I like to have a martini,
Two at the very most.
After three I’m under the table,
After four I’m under my host.’


Those lines were allegedly written by Dorothy Parker, although whether she actually did write them or not is open to dispute. It seems that, as with Mark Twain, the number of witty quotes attributed to Dorothy Parker has grown over the years.

Dorothy Parker Gin

Dorothy Parker Rose Petal Infused Gin
Dorothy Parker Rose Petal Infused Gin

Whatever the truth about the quote, there’s no doubt about the fact that the writer did enjoy a drink, and she would certainly have enjoyed sampling this gin that has been named after her. Whiskey was her favourite tipple, but she definitely enjoyed a gin and a Martini too.

The gin is made by the New York Distilling Company in Brooklyn, who also have an interesting-sounding range of whiskies. There’s also a limited edition Dorothy Parker Roundtable Reserve Gin, aged in sherry barrels that had previously held vermouth, and a version of the original gin that has been infused with red and pink rose petals and crushed elderberries to give it an attractive pink hue.

Dorothy Parker Memorial Fund

A portion of the proceeds from the limited edition gin (only 250 bottles) will go to the Dorothy Parker Memorial Fund. One of the aims is to provide a suitable gravestone for Parker, whose remains were only recently returned to the family plot at Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx.

Dorothy Parker Gin Botanicals

Dorothy Parker Roundtable Reserve Gin
Dorothy Parker Roundtable Reserve Gin

Among the more unusual botanicals to go into the original Dorothy Parker Gin are elderberries and hibiscus petals. Others include citrus, cinnamon, and juniper of course.

Tasting Dorothy Parker Gin

There’s nothing unusual about the bottle, which has a classic elegance about it, and Parker would surely have approved of the extra kick of the gin, which is bottled at 44% ABV (88 proof). On the nose the citrus is very evident, as it’s a very fresh and lemony gin, also with fruity and floral aromas, with juniper evident but not overwhelming.

Tasting the gin, you get the same result – lemon, fruit, floral from the hibiscus, a hint of liquorice from somewhere, and then yet more lemon as you swirl it around. There’s a slight sweetness to it as well, and just a touch of pleasing spice. All in all it’s a very appealing and well-balanced gin.

Dorothy Parker Gin and Tonic

We almost automatically put lemon or lime in our gin and tonics, but with a gin like this there’s no need to. The lemon is already plentiful, and you wouldn’t want to mess with the distiller’s idea of what the flavour profile of this gin should be. The distillers also recommend it for a Gin Daisy, which has club soda and grenadine in it, but again I’d hold off on the lemon juice and let the gin do its work. And of course you’ll want to try it in a Martini, with a toast to the great Dorothy Parker.

Dorothy Parker Gin Cocktails

The distillers also have a couple of other gin cocktail recipes on their website, specifically for their Dorothy Parker Gin.

Acerbic Mrs Parker Dorothy Parker Gin Cocktail
Dorothy Parker Gin Cocktail
Sauvetage Dorothy Parker Gin Cocktail
Dorothy Parker Gin Cocktail

Buying Dorothy Parker Gin

In the US you can buy this is many states direct from the New York Distilling Company and from Caskers. In the UK you can buy Dorothy Parker Gin on Amazon, where it has exclusively 4- and 5-star reviews. You can also find it at Master of Malt, with international shipping.

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